What Are the Compensation Options for Mesothelioma Victims?

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2024 | mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare but highly aggressive cancer that commonly affects people with a history of prolonged exposure to asbestos and asbestos-derived products. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be eligible for compensation. Here are some of the types of compensation you can file for:

Asbestos Trust Funds

Many companies that used to deal with asbestos-related products have gone bankrupt due to legal liabilities. However, most of them entered into agreements to form trust funds to provide compensation for future victims.

If you were working for a company that handled asbestos products, be sure to check if they have an asbestos trust fund. If they do, you only need to provide proof of exposure and meet their specified criteria to receive a payout.

Personal Lawsuits

You can file a lawsuit against a company, employer, or manufacturer whose negligent actions exposed you to asbestos particles. A personal suit can be in the form of a personal injury lawsuit, where you seek compensation to cover medical costs, lost wages, and the mental and physical anguish you suffered due to the mesothelioma. 

If a relative died from mesothelioma, you or any close family member can file a wrongful death lawsuit. In this case, you would seek to recover funeral expenses and the loss of companionship and financial support.

Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits

Many veterans who served in shipyards and construction areas were inadvertently exposed to asbestos. Accordingly, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) classifies mesothelioma cancer as a 100% disabling condition. This means that any veteran diagnosed with the condition automatically qualifies for the highest level of the military’s disability compensation.

The VA compensation is usually in the form of tax-free monthly compensation. Beneficiaries also get access to other benefits like pension aid and comprehensive medical care. Applying for VA benefits as a veteran with mesothelioma is usually a straightforward process that doesn’t require court appearances.

We Can Help

While lawsuits cannot erase the pain and suffering of a mesothelioma diagnosis, the payouts can help alleviate some of the financial burdens caused by the cancer. While walking this path, you can count on Pourciau Law Firm for expert legal guidance. Call us today to speak with our asbestos attorneys in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.