Asbestos is a mineral-based fiber that was introduced in the late 1800s as home insulation. The asbestos insulation was used to reduce house fires. Asbestos was so convenient to use against fires that it was put in anything from homes, vehicles, kitchenware, clothes…
Month: May 2022
3 steps you need to take after a mesothelioma diagnosis
Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer that affects the tissues lining the lungs, abdomen and heart. Individuals who are exposed to asbestos are at a greater risk of developing this disease. The news of mesothelioma diagnosis can be devastating. It is not…
Can you minimize your asbestos exposure in high-risk occupations?
Louisiana jobs requiring employees to work with or near asbestos may pay well, but the trade-off involves the risk of an asbestos-related illness. Employers must ensure their staff knows how to handle this material with minimal exposure to asbestos particles. The…
Do you have to pay for your own asbestos protective equipment?
In most jobs involving the known presence of asbestos, your employer must provide you with asbestos exposure protective equipment at no cost to you and other employees. Some of the high-risk occupations requiring asbestos protection include construction, auto repair,…
Could immunotherapy help your loved one with mesothelioma?
Before the turn of the century, cancer was a much more serious medical issue than it is now. Advances in treatments and diagnostic technology have significantly improved the prognosis for those with many forms of cancer. Early detection will improve someone’s chances…
Employer gone bankrupt? Your asbestos claim is still important
As someone who is now living with the symptoms of an asbestos-related disease, it’s important that you have an opportunity to seek the money that you deserve. While the company itself may no longer be able to be sued, you can likely build a case to seek money from an…