We know now that asbestos is incredibly dangerous and complications are often fatal. However, for decades in the wake of World War II, Americans really did not know how hazardous this material truly was. Instead, they put it everywhere. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that more than 700,000 commercial or public buildings contained asbestos, along with more than 100,000 schools.
The reality is that asbestos does have many strengths as a building material. Some of them include:
- It does not decay over time
- It does not decompose
- It is essentially indestructible
- It resists heat incredibly well
- It resists water damage
- It resists chemical corrosion
- It comes in microscopic fibers that can be added to other materials
Because of this, it was one of the strongest and most durable materials added to these schools and public buildings. It made great insulation that people hoped would contain fires and save lives.
Of course, those strengths are also what makes it so dangerous. Those microscopic fibers can enter your body when you inhale them or swallow them. They can cause an incredible amount of damage and often get lodged in various tissues. Your respiratory system is unable to filter them out. This can eventually lead to deadly conditions like mesothelioma.
Today, we may know that asbestos is dangerous, but that does not mean you have not already been exposed. Do you think your health concerns can be traced back to this exposure? If so, it is very important for you and your family members to know about all of the potential legal options you have to seek compensation.