If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be concerned about your health (and have every right to be). You may also want to know how you ended up getting this disease.
In most cases, people with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos at work or under other circumstances. As a result, the cancer developed. Sadly, mesothelioma is often fatal.
The good news as science advances is that there are new treatments being designed all the time. Biomarker candidates could help identify mesothelioma earlier, for example, which would help improve the number of treatment options open to patients.
Researchers have been putting time into identifying mesothelioma earlier. To do this, they identified RNA molecules, also known as microRNAs, that appear in normal mesothelial tissues and in mesothelial tissues have turned to mesothelioma. With these biomarkers, it’s possible to be able to establish if cancer is present in the body. The biomarkers may also help identify which kinds of mesothelial cells are present, so they can determine if the cells are benign or malignant prior to recommending chemotherapy or other treatments.
In the future, being able to identify these biomarkers could help patients know if they have mesothelioma much sooner. This would potentially create the opportunity for better treatment options (and more successful options) to be used. For example, a stage 1 diagnosis may be able to be treated with surgery, fully removing the cancer. A stage 2 cancer may respond better to chemotherapy or specific treatments based on the cell type.
These types of changes in medicine are exciting for people who have or may develop mesothelioma in the future. As someone with this condition now, it’s a good idea to look into getting compensated for the injuries you’ve suffered so far and the medical care that you may need in the future. Your attorney will be able to help you seek compensation that will cover medical care, which may change in the future.
Every patient is different, but having the financial support you need may give you a greater number of options for treating mesothelioma if you fall ill or are seeing a negative impact on your health from a diagnosed early stage mesothelioma.