What symptoms can you expect with mesothelioma?

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2021 | mesothelioma

Individuals exposed to asbestos fibers in the workplace seldom show symptoms of a developing illness right away. It instead takes them between 20 and 60 years to become remarkably ill.

By then, doctors can do little more than slow the progression of this particularly deadly form of cancer. Here are some things that everyone should know about mesothelioma and its symptoms.

Who’s most apt to contract mesothelioma?

Workers who are most likely to come in contact with asbestos fibers are miners, military personnel, demolition workers, brake mechanics, pipefitters, and shipbuilders. Home construction contractors such as insulators, plumbers and electricians also have an increased risk of exposure than other workers. 

Most professionals come into contact with these harmful fibers during repair work or remodeling projects. They may accidentally bring these fibers home on their work clothes or inhale them if they don’t wear protective equipment, including clothing covers and masks when working around these fibers. As a result, even the loved ones of people regularly exposed to asbestos can develop mesothelioma. 

What symptoms do mesothelioma patients have?

Multiple types of mesothelioma exist. The two more common ones are the peritoneal and pleural ones. 

The peritoneal one affects the abdomen. Patients often experience unexplained weight loss, abdominal swelling and pain and nausea before doctors diagnose them with this type of mesothelioma. 

Patients often experience labored breathing, painful coughing, subcutaneous lumps or pain in their chests or unexplained weight loss before receiving a pleural mesothelioma diagnosis. 

What are the treatment options available for mesothelioma patients?

There aren’t currently any cures that exist for mesothelioma; however, some treatments can help patients manage some of their symptoms. 

Patients who suffer from pleural mesothelioma often experience a quick progression of the most debilitating symptoms. It’s not uncommon for their early chest pain and labored breathing to escalate quickly. These patients usually develop swallowing difficulties and pain along their spinal cord. They may also experience an accumulation of fluid in their lungs, which further affects respiratory function. 

While no amount of money can cure you, there may be funds available that can help you receive the best possible care. An attorney who understands the problems you face can help you learn more.