Back in the 1970s, asbestos was a common component of all sorts of household goods and building materials. The homes of that era were literally full of asbestos-containing products.
By now, almost everybody recognizes the health dangers posed by asbestos exposure. The only safe exposure is no exposure at all.
So why does asbestos keep cropping back up in consumer products?
In a study published at the end of 2020 in Environmental Health Insights, researchers revealed that they found asbestos in three out of 21 samples of eye shadow, face powder and other cosmetics, some of which were being marketed to children.
If, as presumed, the tests were repeated on a larger scale, you could expect roughly one out of every seven powder-based beauty products to have asbestos in them.
Most of those products are made with talc, which is benign. However, talc is another natural mineral — just like asbestos — and it tends to be found very near asbestos deposits. It can be difficult to mine for talc without getting some asbestos into the product.
It’s far too easy to inhale asbestos particles when applying makeup, so this is exceptionally concerning news. Even worse: Companies who use talc are under no legal obligation to test for contaminated products or even warn people that asbestos contamination is possible in a product.
What can you do if you develop an asbestos-related illness?
Mesothelioma, asbestosis and other closely related lung disorders do not develop in a vacuum. If you or your loved one have an asbestos-related illness, there may be funds available to you that can help cover your medical care, assist with your living expenses and provide for your family.
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