Why conduct an asbestos inspection before purchasing an old home?

On Behalf of | May 24, 2023 | asbestos

If you’re planning to purchase an older home, it’s important to understand the potential health hazards that may be present, such as asbestos. Asbestos was commonly used in building materials until the 1970s when its health risks were discovered. 

Inhaling asbestos fibers can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. This article will discuss why conducting an asbestos inspection before purchasing an old home is essential.

Why was asbestos banned?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral commonly used in building materials such as insulation, roofing and flooring. Its strength, heat resistance and insulating properties made it a popular choice for construction until its health risks were discovered. Asbestos fibers are released into the air when materials containing asbestos are disturbed or damaged, which can result in serious health problems.

Asbestos exposure can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. These health problems can take years or even decades to develop and may not show symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly. And unfortunately, asbestos-related diseases are typically incurable and can be fatal.

What’s the essence of an asbestos inspection?

Older homes are likely to contain asbestos because they were constructed when this mineral was still used. Therefore, conducting an asbestos inspection before purchasing one is essential. During an asbestos inspection, the home will be examined for any materials that may contain asbestos. 

This includes insulation, flooring, roofing and other building materials. Samples will be taken from the suspected materials and sent to a laboratory for testing. If asbestos is found, you can negotiate with the seller to remove it before closing the sale. 

Conducting an asbestos inspection before purchasing an older home is essential to help ensure your and your family’s safety. Asbestos exposure can lead to serious health problems, so it’s important to identify and remove any asbestos-containing materials. The inspection is a small price for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safe.